Holy Moly Motors

I do not pretend to be some sort of film expert.  I’ve seen most of the “arty classics” and like reading about film.  I have a few areas I like more than others.  With this proclamation of non-intent I must thoroughly and vigorously recommend seeing Holy Motors if you have the chance.

There are many conflicting opinions on this film.  All valid.  All I will say to these discourses is that if you love film, Holy Motors is mandatory viewing.

It is unlike anything I’ve ever seen.  Bits and pieces of temporal displacement, sure ; references to the history of cinema, sure ; an amazing performance by Denis Lavant, most def ; a complete sense of dislocation and wonder, oh yeah ; an ending that left the whole audience looking at each other as the lights came up ; that was fun.

My personal reaction to this film is that I’ve NOT stopped thinking about it.  Not necessarily trying to “figure it out”, but just re-running scenes and scenarios in my head.  It is a film that warrants mad discussion over much libation.  Will someone I know PLEASE see this movie so we can commence with said discussion !





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